Brown Bear / Grizzly Hunts

Alaskan Peninsula Brown Bear (Unit 9)
Alaska Peninsula Brown Bear hunting is one of the few hunts in the world where “the good old days” are now! Unit 9 (the Alaska Peninsula) has the highest bear density on the planet. Hunts are spot and stalk and require more patience than physical ability. It is not uncommon for a client to see large numbers of bears on a 10-day hunt and to be very selective in targeting boars in the 9-10 foot range. These are the biggest bears in the world.
Grizzly Bear
The Grizzly Bear is an apex predator in the Alaskan wilderness. The Grizzly population is growing in Alaska so much that now the bag limit is 2 bears per year. We utilize float planes, wheel planes, ski planes (spring hunts), boats, and rafts on this spot and stalk hunt. Bears are hunted while feeding on Salmon along streams, on open hillsides covered in cranberries and blueberries, and in the spring around dens.